Командная строка

Нашел полезную информацию. Периодически забываю эти команды, поэтому утащил к себе (вдруг там ресурс умрет). Авторство

Which possible entries are there in the command field (sometimes also called «OK code»)?

The design of the R/3 System is such that all programs can be called via menu options. In addition to ergonomic advantages (no need to learn transaction codes), this procedure offers higher security, as the menu path tells the user the work area to which a program belongs.

Use of the command field should be limited to exceptions. In particular, there is no guarantee that the functionality of the command field is fully supported.

Possible entries are listed below. These are only meant for experts (system administrators). Some of them (for example. «/nex») are dangerous, because they override safety measures. «Normal» users should avoid using the command field. It is often easier to call a known transaction with «/nxxxx», but this can be achieved just as simply via a user menu.

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